Do your Work, Seek your Path, and Maintain Your Community

Well darn, it's been two weeks since I've posted a blog article. As much as I am dedicated to posting once or twice a week, sometimes life just gets busy; and I have to make myself let go of my personal agenda so I don't tear myself in two. First we had a serendipitously busy week at the Outer Banks (I could write a book about my love-hate relationship with that place); and now we're hosting friends and family before we drive my second-born to college (in less than 2 weeks!). In the meantime, my marriage and my soul have taken another deep plunge, causing me to spend sleepless hours researching Narcissism (of the pathological variety), narcissism (within the very broad range of "normal"), and the empaths who inevitably find themselves suffering under the tyranny of both (that blog article may have to wait 'til September).

Here are several of the "unsolicited messages" (as I've come to call them) that I've received over the last 2 weeks, when my heart and mind were open and listening (probably because they were so tired). No matter your situation, I'm certain they can benefit you too.

#VoiceInMyHeadToday: In light of the people who get financial rewards they haven't worked for, don't deserve, or don't need, you wonder, "Why them and not me?" You ponder the short cuts you could take to get where they are and the opportunities you've missed thanks to your naïveté, all of which leave you feeling indignant, inferior, insignificant, incapable and just plain stressed and depressed. Wouldn't it be easier to just to do the work?

#QuoteForTheDay (said by Wendy Byrd in Ozarks, Season 2, Episode 7):



#TedTalkForTheDay: Listen to this in the car, or while you're making dinner, cleaning the kitchen, or folding the laundry. It's an incredible study and, though you may anticipate the results already, it's always good to be reminded:


#ThemeSong Today: My 11YO is learning Dust in the Wind by Kansas on guitar. When I learned my 17YO had never heard the song - he had the same guitar teacher and is studying Music production and technology at UNC-Asheville - I looked it up on YouTube, listened to it as if for the first time, and cried. I needed that reminder. Here's the link, so you can listen to it too:


To read my last blog post, click here:

For more on my love-hate relationship with the Outer Banks:

Melissa Rooney

Melissa Bunin Rooney is a picture-book author, freelance writer and editor, 2nd-generation Polish-Lithuanian immigrant; Southerner (NC and VA); Woman in Science (Ph.D. Chemistry); Australian-U.S. citizen; and Soil and Water Conservationist. She provides hands-on STEM and literary workshops and residencies for schools and organizations, as well as scientific and literary editing services for businesses, universities, non-profits, and other institutions. Melissa also reviews theater and live performances for Triangle Theater Review and reviews books for NY Journal of Books.

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